The secret of Synthesit

Heart & vessels

The invention of Synthesit is a huge leap in physics and human health. It is based on "young" iron, which has a number of extraordinary properties that enhance the body's vital energy. People feel a surge of strength and energy, a feeling of youthfulness comes. Why is this happening? And why is this so significant?

One of the fundamental results of Synthesit’s effect on the body is its ability to disaggregate (separate) red blood cells that have clumped together. Erythrocyte cells are the main component of blood. They contain a divalent iron atom, which binds oxygen from the lungs for delivery to cells.

Approximately one quarter of all cells in the human body are erythrocytes. Often in people, and in elderly people especially , due to illness and age, erythrocytes are clumps of hundreds of clumped cells — which means a problem with the supply of oxygen and other necessary substances to the cells of the body.

Such erythrocytes do not carry oxygen, cannot enter capillaries, create a threat of thrombosis. There is a difficulty in removing waste products from cells. Thrombi, fatigue. This creates an environment for the development of most diseases.

Formation of a thrombus in a vessel from a blood clot.

So, about an hour after taking Synthesit, the clumped erythrocytes in the blood separate. There are a number of videos on this subject, where you can see the state of erythrocytes in the blood before and after taking Synthesit. The result of Synthesit’s action on erythrocytes is a real breakthrough in the field of health.

Blood samples before and after taking Synthesit , microscope images, magnification x1000:

An innovative technology made it possible to create a unique mineral — Synthesit

The patients who have been taking Synthesit since 2019 note it helps them maintain normal blood pressure, and in some cases, reduce the dose or completely withdraw from conventional hypotensive drugs. All the changes in medication regimen were under the supervision of attending physicians. This is related to the key features of high blood pressure such as damaged arteries and the restriction of blood flow to the heart and other organs and tissues of the body.

Nothing like this can be done by any product

To disaggregate red blood cells, modern medicine cannot provide anything except blood irradiation with a laser.

It is a misconception that something like aspirin can "un-clump" the blood. They just add fluid to the blood — it's like adding water to spoiled milk. There will be more liquid, but the clots and lumps will remain.

The rheology (fluidity) of the blood as a result of disaggregation, which occurs after taking Synthesit, returns to its normal parameters, restores the supply of all organs and tissues with oxygen and other necessary substances. Unnecessary waste is removed from cells.

This, in turn, means that the body begins to function as it should. Without any medication, without complex treatment regimens. This is a fundamental solution to the basic tasks that medicine sets for itself. A global achievement in the field of health. It is this that forms the basis of health — healthy blood.

Our consumers note that taking Synthesit helps with making their lives more comfortable, achieving results in all areas more successfully and more productively.

We already have a huge amount of feedback on how people taking Synthesit have helped overcome ailments, sometimes seeming insurmountable. There are a number of studies that no one else has. Synthesit’s help in undergoing chemotherapy has been proven. There is data on help with malaria exacerbation and a number of similar conditions. Our consumers manage to get more things done. Heart patients who take Synthesit start to slowly forget about their health problems.

All the positive aspects of the action of our created "young" iron Synthesit on the body are yet to be studied. For example, there is a fact, established in an experiment with mice, that taking Synthesit increased the production of healthy stem cells in their bone marrow by 2.45 times.

This is a fundamental achievement. There are no other products in the world that increase the number of healthy stem cells. If you paid attention, in movies, novels, when the plot requires somehow to cure a person by increasing the production of stem cells — they discuss bone marrow transplantation. I repeat, bone marrow transplantation.

There are two known cases in the world of curing HIV. Both cases are achieved by bone marrow transplantation. So, among Synthesit users there are also people with HIV. The virus stopped being detected in their blood after six months of taking Synthesit — this is also a fact of Synthesit’s action. Further research is needed. There are even impressive studies of Synthesit in the field of genetics.

Someone may ask:

"So all of these impressive things came just out of nowhere? Nothing like that was known before?"

No, not at all out of nowhere. You need to refer to historical sources. Apparently, ancient civilizations also knew how to synthesize stable elements. Ancient and medieval sources have preserved many complex and incomprehensible recipes for their production today. Information from many ancient sources states that "created" elements give "youth."

Moreover, ancient treatises specifically note that ordinary elements do not work in any way, and only "created" ones — return youth. The desire to master the synthesis of "created" elements in past epochs was associated with their outstanding medical properties, which ancient masters knew about.

Wars were started because of the need to possess  "created" elements. Emperors sought to obtain them. The creator of the Chinese empire Qin Shi Huang spent the last part of his life trying to get them. Paracelsus (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), the great Swiss physician of the 16th century, who is considered to be the creator of European science, also used such elements, which he received during his travels. He wrote about them in his treatises.

Upon assuming the position of Dean of the Medical Faculty at the University of Basel, he was required to undergo a trial test to confirm his competency. Paracelsus successfully treated 12 patients that others had been unable to cure. This test is documented in the official chronicles of Basel and is preserved in the archives. These are recorded instances of the use of "synthesized" elements.

Today, it's clear that Synthesit represents a tremendous breakthrough in physics, the synthesis of stable chemical elements, and in the realm of human health. For several years, we have meticulously studied Synthesit’s effects on the human body. We are confident in stating that its potential warrants the highest praise.

A circle of consumers has emerged who are taking Synthesit, thereby discovering a different quality of life for themselves and their loved ones. It has helped many overcome ailments. Regarding the question of how much Synthesit to take, it's safe to say that even a single capsule or pipette of Synthesit solution can make a difference.

To achieve a high quality of life and enhance your body's defenses, Synthesit should be taken consistently. It's as essential as air and food. Iron is integrated into the body's metabolism. You wouldn't eat only once a quarter, would you? According to reports, individuals who regularly take Synthesit experience fewer illnesses, endure diseases more easily, achieve greater success, and even look young for their age.

Synthesit is a vital tool for people, and we're eager to collaborate with doctors, clinics, athletes, trainers, and anyone seeking to improve the well-being and quality of life for their patients and clients.

However, don't wait for doctors, trainers, or cosmetologists to recognize this breakthrough. Your life is happening now. Use Synthesit and be active, healthy, and youthful.

Vladislav Karabanov — creator of Synthesit.

You can purchase Synthesit


Supplement Facts




Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps








Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Fucoidan Blister

Fucoidan Blister

Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucoidan

Amount per serving: 2,1 mg/caps






Premium 300

Premium 300

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps








Form:  60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron,
turmeric extract, soy lecithin

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps






Oxygen Force

Oxygen Force

Form: 30 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1000 mcg/caps






Elixir №1

Elixir №1

Form: sublingual drops

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml




Immuno Active

Immuno Active

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Iron 800 Blister

Iron 800 Blister

Form:  20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps




Forte Blister

Forte Blister

Form:  20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1600 mcg/caps




Cardio Balance

Cardio Balance

Form:  60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron,
turmeric extract, soy lecithin

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




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