Cold season risks

Be careful! Blood pressure is way higher in the winter
Be careful! Blood pressure is way higher in the winter
Heart & vessels

PLOS ONE, the largest scholarly journal in the world, has published 2 research articles: Seasonal Variations of Complete Blood Count and Inflammatory Biomarkers and Acute and Prolonged Adverse Effects of Temperature on Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases.

Scientific research over time has shown an uptick in cardiac events during the winter. Heart attack cases are 31% more frequent in comparison with the summertime and the risk of stroke is 80% higher especially when the temperature goes below 15°C.

That’s because low temperatures cause your blood vessels to narrow, which increases blood pressure to keep your body warm. According to cardiologists, this is the exact reason the blood pressure is often higher in colder seasons that results in a higher risk of heart attacks or strokes.

Medicines used to treat high blood pressure (antihypertensive drugs) can have various adverse effects. Side effects of these drugs may be dizziness, loss of libido, elevated blood sugar levels, fatigue, muscle cramps, dry cough, and etc. Moreover, some medicines and their combinations may impair kidney function and cause kidney damage and even cause cancer development.

Among the most effective ways to manage blood pressure levels during the harsh winter months can be using some extra help, and Synthesit is worth paying attention to. Its benefits include:

  1. Helps lower cholesterol levels and maintain a balanced lipid profile.
  2. Normalized erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and improved blood viscosity.
  3. Helps increase hemoglobin level, which contributes to better oxygen delivery to the brain, heart and other vital organs.
  4. Improved properties of RBC membrane surface, which allows erythrocytes pass through narrow capillaries easily and reduces the risk of them sticking together.

Helps reduce alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels by more than 30% that shows good functional activity of the liver, which neutralizes toxins, purifying blood and body cells, including neurons, cardiac muscle fibers and vascular wall cells.

Sufficient oxygen supply stabilizes the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, vascular walls and endocrine gland function. All this, together with the mentioned above benefits of Synthesit, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure and heart rate.

An innovative technology made it possible to create a unique mineral — Synthesit

The patients who have been taking Synthesit since 2019 note it helps them maintain normal blood pressure, and in some cases, reduce the dose or completely withdraw from conventional hypotensive drugs. All the changes in medication regimen were under the supervision of attending physicians. This is related to the key features of high blood pressure such as damaged arteries and the restriction of blood flow to the heart and other organs and tissues of the body.

You can purchase Synthesit


Supplement Facts




Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Fucoidan Blister

Fucoidan Blister

Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucoidan

Amount per serving: 2,1 mg/caps








Form:  60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron,
turmeric extract, soy lecithin

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps






Oxygen Force

Oxygen Force

Form: 30 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1000 mcg/caps






Immuno Active

Immuno Active

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Cardio Balance

Cardio Balance

Form:  60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron,
turmeric extract, soy lecithin

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




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