The “young” iron Synthesit


In the previous article we provided proof in principle that Synthesit is, if I may say so, a "young" iron. Its age is at least several billion yearsyounger than all the iron found in the entire solar system.

The fact is that according to the dominant approach about the emergence of chemical elements in the solar system, they all came into existence as a result of a one-step process at the beginning of the origin of this system 5 or 10 billion years ago. This subsequently led to the appearance of the Sun and the planets — Earth, Mars, Venus and the rest, as well as iron itself in whatever form there is in the solar system.

This simultaneous emergence of the chemical elements in the Solar system is easily proven by the fact that they all have a standard isotope in elements. And this natural ratio exists in nature from the iron particles in an apple, to the iron particles in a meteorite from the solar system.

The isotopic abundance ratio of isotopes in any particles in the Solar system is a constant of any chemical element.

But the iron Synthesit was created only now,

so its particles have a different isotope ratio than natural iron. Accordingly, Synthesit is a "young" iron and is several billion years younger than natural iron.

An innovative technology made it possible to create a unique mineral — Synthesit

The patients who have been taking Synthesit since 2019 note it helps them maintain normal blood pressure, and in some cases, reduce the dose or completely withdraw from conventional hypotensive drugs. All the changes in medication regimen were under the supervision of attending physicians. This is related to the key features of high blood pressure such as damaged arteries and the restriction of blood flow to the heart and other organs and tissues of the body.

Basically, Synthesit is also an iron. It a powerful positive effect on the body, which we do not observe with natural iron. Studies have clearly documented that "young" iron activates the energy of the living organism.

And energy, activity are the main signs of difference between a young, healthy body and an aged or sick one.

When it became clear, that the ability to synthesize the stable chemical element — iron was possible, the question of its use in the field of human health was predetermined.

The point is that Vladislav Karabanov studied and systematized information about so-called "created" or "young" elements. Information about which there is in ancient and medieval sources.

The history of mankind is full of valuable information

Such sources include ancient Chinese writings of Baopuzi of Taoist Ge Hong, Marco Polo’s researched information regarding the Indian yogis, the information and practice of the famous Swiss physician and founder of modern science of Paracelsus, and a large number of other sources.

In these sources we can find incredible information regarding the « created » elements and about their positive impact on the body. But it is important only to correct the data of ancient sources, considering what they call "gold" is usually what works well on the body.

But it should be understood that this is a tribute to piety before gold. Only an elixir made of gold, an expensive element, from the point of view of an ancient man, could be so effective.  At the same time, this effective gold is apparently iron, since it is iron that is included in the metabolism of any living organism, while gold is not.

In ancient chinese Baopuzi this is written as:

…those gold and silver that can be created are natural in nature, and the extension of life can be gained by learning to create them.
…to see a result, gold must be "prepared". "Prepared" gold is better than natural gold.
…One, who will consume the mixture will not grow old and the old man can obtain youth once again and gain immortality.

In Wei Boyang's ancient Chinese "Zeng Tu zhi" it goes as such:

Once the gold powder hits
into the five internal organs,
the fog clears like rain clouds from the wind.
The gray hair turns black again;

The French/American/Romanian philosopher Mircea Eliane, professor of the Sorbonne University, said:

The aim of the ancient Chinese master who can "create" elements is clear. He needs "gold" not to enrich himself, but to create an elixir of immortality.

Again, we are reminded that this "gold", apparently, was understood as iron.

Mircea Eliane also provides information of François Vernier, who observed different groups of Indian ascetics:

“Exist others…quite strange people: they all wander from place to place; they ridicule everything that they meet, and never worry about anything. These people are full of secrets; they say, even know, how to create gold and prepare mercury, in fact, they do it so well, that one or two grains of the mixture, taken in the morning, keep the body in perfect health and strengthen the stomach to such an extent that it digests food perfectly and is always in perfect condition".

Marco Polo, described the yogis, which lived about 150-200 hundred years:

these people used a very strange drink: they mix a dose of silver and a dose of mercury and drink this mixture

The great physician Paracelsus, considered to be the founder of modern European science, used elements brought from somewhere else, created elements in his methods of curing the sick:

The task of chemistry is not at all to make gold and silver, but to prepare medicines. He claimed to recognize the possibility of "creating" elements.

In general, the persistent search of medieval scientists for a way to create elements , reflected primarily a desire for eternal youth. The elixir of youth. That was the goal that motivated them.

This goal motivated many rulers, philosophers, and military leaders of the past. Both in  the East and in the West. Therefore, it was a tribute to common sense to take seriously the whole stratum of past perceptions of the possibilities of the young, created elements.

You can purchase Synthesit

This seemed impossible. But now it is possible to create

Once Synthesit, a young iron, was created, its effects were studied for four years both in scientific research centers and with consumers.

Its effect on the body sometimes surprised both consumers and its creator. Consumers noted an increase in energy, a decrease in fatigue. Synthesit helps  people easily tolerate viruses and get sick less. One of the customers told about how he came to the barber shop and his hairdresser asked him what he had done, as his gray hair on his temples had darkened.

In mice that took Synthesit, the study showed two and a half times more stem cells in hematopoiesis. This in itself is a phenomenal fact, which means the widest possibilities for real rejuvenation of the organism.

There is a study about Synthesit’s help to get through chemotherapy during oncology.

Here are some reviews from our customers:

— Hello, we’ve been taking Synthesit for 2 courses. It helped us gain strength, increased endurance, and strengthened our immunity. This year we haven’t  been sick, our blood pressure is normal. It really does work, the effect is cumulative.
— I have been taking Synthesit for a long time, practically since it went on sale. It has become a different level of life for me: my stamina has increased in sports, which I never had before. Daytime sleepiness is gone, coffee is now just a tasty beverage, not a means to get to the end of the day. My head always thinks clearly, even quicker than before. No more hair loss on my head, no more varicose veins.

We’ve received a lot of positive video feedback from our customers, regarding how they feel. People feel their skin and hair getting better. Diseases are receding. They feel more efficient, more active.

Everything is similar to what the ancient authors have said

Health is the most important element of our lives. The modern era especially demands an increase in active and productive age. The creation of Synthesit can achieve this. The goal - active human life up to 150 years looks real.

The mechanism of action of the "young" iron on the body is yet to be determined, but it is clear that "young" iron Synthesit is a breakthrough in many areas.

— Vladislav Karabanov


Supplement Facts




Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps








Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Fucoidan Blister

Fucoidan Blister

Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucoidan

Amount per serving: 2,1 mg/caps






Premium 300

Premium 300

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps






Premium 1600

Premium 1600

Form: 30 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 1600 mcg/caps




Oxygen Force

Oxygen Force

Form: 30 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1000 mcg/caps






Immuno Force

Immuno Force

Form: 90 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Bladderwrack

Amount per serving: 330 mcg/caps




Elixir №1

Elixir №1

Form: sublingual drops

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml




Immuno Active

Immuno Active

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Iron 800 Blister

Iron 800 Blister

Form:  20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps




Forte Blister

Forte Blister

Form:  20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1600 mcg/caps






Form:  60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron,
silybin, alpha lipoic acid

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Rejuvenation Cream

Rejuvenation Cream

Form: cream for external use, 50 ml.

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron
and 7 more beauty components

For all skin types




& Rejuvenation

& Rejuvenation

Form: serum, 30 ml.

Active ingredient: Synthesit Iron
and 11 more beauty components

For all skin types




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