Synthesit: an energy source

The influence of the mineral Synthesit on energy levels through mitochondrial regulation
The influence of the mineral Synthesit on energy levels through mitochondrial regulation
Stress & weakness

Anastasia Vasina

Sports medicine physician, head of preventive personalised medicine, Montenegro

Synthesit is an innovative dietary supplement that helps cells function more efficiently, improving their energy balance and protecting them from damage. Due to its unique composition, Synthesit supports the body at the cellular level, helping you feel more energetic.

Synthesit’s unique composition, containing bioactive iron and other active components, Synthesit helps improve oxygen delivery to cells, accelerate metabolism and support tissue repair.

This helps to increase physical and mental activity and endurance, as well as strengthen the body's defenses against the harmful effects of free radicals, aging, and the development of chronic diseases.

The role of Mitochondria in the body

Mitochondria are the «powerhouses» of cells. They produce energy (in the form of ATP) that is needed for all bodily processes. However, their role extends beyond energy production. Mitochondria also regulate two key processes:

  • Anabolism: The creation of new cells and tissues (e.g., muscle growth);
  • Catabolism: The breakdown of complex substances to obtain energy (e.g., the breakdown of carbohydrates).

Mitochondria play a key role in immune function, recovery from exertion, maintaining nervous system health, and even protecting against age-related diseases.

When the body experiences oxidative stress (cellular damage due to an excess of free radicals), healthy mitochondria initiate a cleanup process of damaged components, helping the body adapt to the stress.

However, prolonged oxidative stress can lead to «mitochondrial burnout» — a state where cellular function is impaired, potentially contributing to chronic fatigue, accelerated aging, autoimmune diseases, metabolic problems, and even neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's disease).

How Nutraceuticals Help Mitochondria

Nutraceuticals are natural products that support health and help prevent disease. They improve mitochondrial function and reduce the harmful effects of oxidative stress.

Synthesit is one such nutraceutical. Studies have shown that it reduces free radical levels and protects cells from damage, maintaining their energy balance.

Synthesit is particularly effective for people aged 40–59, when metabolism begins to slow down and the risk of age-related diseases (e.g., cardiovascular diseases) increases.

How does Synthesit work regarding energy metabolism?

Synthesit works at the cellular level, helping the body cope with one of the main causes of aging and disease: oxidative stress.

Let's examine the main mechanisms of action of Synthesit on energy metabolism:

Purine nucleotides are important components from which DNA and RNA are built. They are also involved in energy production (e.g., ATP – the main source of energy for cells) and cell signaling. The breakdown of purine nucleotides is a natural process necessary for cell renewal, regulating nucleotide levels, and obtaining energy.

However, when these substances are broken down too actively, it can lead to the formation of free radicals that damage cells.

Synthesit helps regulate this process by reducing the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the excessive breakdown of purine nucleotides. This reduces the formation of free radicals and protects cells from damage, helping to prevent the development of various diseases, including inflammation, aging, and chronic diseases.

According to research, Synthesit also helps reduce the activity of the enzyme adenosine deaminase, which leads to an increase in adenosine levels. Adenosine is a substance with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation.

Adenosine activates key antioxidant defense enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These enzymes act as «protectors» of cells, reducing the level of oxidative stress and stabilizing energy metabolism.

When cells are protected from oxidative stress, they can produce energy more efficiently. This helps maintain energy balance — a state in which cells receive enough energy to perform their functions.

Impact on mitochondria

Studies on animals have shown that supplementation with iron and vitamin B6 (which are components of Synthesit) promotes the process of creating new mitochondria. This not only improves energy metabolism but also makes the body more resistant to stress, helping you recover faster after exertion and better adapt to adverse conditions.

This occurs by increasing levels of specific proteins, such as PGC-1α, SIRT1, NRF-2, SDHA, and mTOR.

These proteins regulate energy metabolism in the mitochondria, increasing their efficiency. They also enhance the body's resistance to stress and improve its ability to adapt to various conditions.

When cells are protected from oxidative stress and receive enough energy, this leads to the following positive effects:

  • Reduced fatigue: Cells work more efficiently, helping you feel more energized.
  • Increased energy levels: Improved energy metabolism contributes to increased physical and mental activity.
  • Protection against infectious diseases: Adenosine strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight infections.
  • Improved adaptation: The body becomes more resistant to stress, physical exertion, and adverse environmental conditions.


Synthesit is not just a supplement, but your reliable ally in the fight for health and energy. It helps improve cell function, protect the body from stress and aging, and improve quality of life. Regardless of age and lifestyle, Synthesit will help you feel more invigorated, active, and protected.

It helps to:

  • Improve the body's energy supply;
  • Protect cells from damage;
  • Increase resistance to stress and strain;
  • Slow down age-related changes and prevent related diseases.

Therefore, Synthesit can be seen as a promising remedy for those who want to maintain health, improve the quality of life and remain active at any age.

An innovative technology made it possible to create a unique mineral — Synthesit

The patients who have been taking Synthesit since 2019 note it helps them maintain normal blood pressure, and in some cases, reduce the dose or completely withdraw from conventional hypotensive drugs. All the changes in medication regimen were under the supervision of attending physicians. This is related to the key features of high blood pressure such as damaged arteries and the restriction of blood flow to the heart and other organs and tissues of the body.

You can purchase Synthesit


Supplement Facts




Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps








Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Fucoidan Blister

Fucoidan Blister

Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucoidan

Amount per serving: 2,1 mg/caps






Premium 300

Premium 300

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps






Premium 1600

Premium 1600

Form: 30 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 1600 mcg/caps




Oxygen Force

Oxygen Force

Form: 30 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1000 mcg/caps






Elixir №1

Elixir №1

Form: sublingual drops

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml




Immuno Active

Immuno Active

Form: 60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Fucus vesiculosus

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




Iron 800 Blister

Iron 800 Blister

Form:  20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps




Forte Blister

Forte Blister

Form:  20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron

Amount per serving: 1600 mcg/caps






Form:  60 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, tryptophan

Amount per serving: 300 mcg/caps




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