How to reduce bad cholesterol without medication: my second youth with Synthesit

How to reduce bad cholesterol without medication: my second youth with Synthesit

A unique “young” iron that allows you to forget about cholesterol plaques and the risks of strokes.
How to reduce bad cholesterol without medication: my second youth with Synthesit

May 27, 2024

We are publishing another real story of restoration of health and general quality of life of our consumer Clara.

How to reduce bad cholesterol without medication: my second youth with Synthesit

Clara Schmidt

51-year-old, accountant from San Francisco

My name is Clara Schmidt, and I'm a 51-year-old accountant from San Francisco. I've always been the type who embraced life's simple pleasures: cozy nights in with a good show and a box of pizza, trip to themovies with a bowl of buttery popcorn. Then, life threw me a curveball. I found myself facing a serious health scare that woke me up to the fragility of life. It was a turning point.

That's when I discovered Synthesit, a powerful tool for reclaiming your health and feeling in control of your life. Don't wait until a health scare forces your hand like I did. Take charge of yourwell-being. It's never too late to make a change.

How to reduce bad cholesterol without medication: my second youth with Synthesit
Picture on the left was taken in fall 2023,
picture on the right was taken in April 2024

They Say Life Begins at 40...

The kids are grown, your husband somehow survived the midlife crisis — you've finally got the time and freedom to pursue your passions. But when you actually reach that point, all you feel like doing is sleeping and eating. You're just… exhausted.

My job issedentary, but I get more mentally tired doing accounting reports than physically. Therefore, it is generally not clear why my legs swell and hurt in the evening. And there was also an unpleasant feeling in the chest. It either presses or burns.

Как снизить вредный холестерин без лекарств: моя вторая молодость с Синтезитом

Vented to my friend. She, in turn, talked about her health concerns. As a result our conversation turned into an endless discussion, regarding our health struggles. It made me realize that I'm living like an old lady, despite being nowhere near retirement age. I have zero energy, no motivation, and my only hobby seems to be complaining about my health.

Ditchingbad habits

I confessed to my husband that I don't feel very well, hoping for some support, a little reassurance. Instead, I got the same old grumpy response: "Well, what did you expect? You're not a child anymore, plus you smoke and spend all day sitting down".

I tried to argue, pointing out the stress: the bills never adding up, the lack of support from him. But deep down, I knew he was right.

I decided to tackle my health head-on.

  • I quit smoking.
  • I added morning workouts and evening runs.
  • I replaced pasta with celery.
  • I swapped out weekend beers for healthy smoothies.

My body, however, was not happy. It felt personally attacked. "You took away my nicotine? Fine, give me some sausage and cake, and preferably at night, or prepare for insomnia" it grumbled. It also refused to cooperate with the exercise plan. My legs ached constantly, not just by the end of the day.

Instead of feeling energized and rejuvenated, I was overwhelmed with irritation. My coworkers now scattered at the sight of me, and my husband hid behind his tablet or our cat.

Bad Cholesterol, the Bane of My Existence

I was becoming a raging harpy, snapping at everyone. My loved ones, concerned about my sudden transformation, urged me to get my hormones checked. "It's gotta be them hormones playing tricks onyou," they'd say. So, I went. I was tired of being a grump.

At the clinic, they convinced me to go for a full checkup, including a lipid profile. When it came time for the results, the doctor looked nervous. His gaze darted between the paperwork and me.

"You have bad cholesterol, dear," he said. I thought, "Great, my character is going insane and now my cholesterol is joining the party". 

Of course, I knew cholesterol wasn’t healthy. But I had no idea there was good and bad cholesterol. The doctor launched into an explanation, detailing everything from A to Z, and it left both me and my cholesterol feeling worse.

I only understood a few things:

  • I had a lipid metabolism disorder — high levels of LDL were the culprit.
  • I was at risk of clogged arteries, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and all of this could happen at any moment.
  • The worst part is that this LDL thing hardly ever shows up.

The doctor said only xanthomas and xanthelasmas could be obvious signs. I didn't want to ask what those were, but the kind doctor showed me a picture. If you're curious, google it, but trust me: you wouldn't miss them. If you see them, run, don't walk, to a specialist.

"Obesity, especially around the waistline, can also be a warning sign," he added, looking at me with a stern gaze.

I didn't have a waistline, but I wasn't obese either. My friends envied me: "You're a witch, you stuff your face, but you never gain weight!"

"High cholesterol is usually caused by excess weight," the doctor said, "but it can also happen, as it has with you, due to a sedentary lifestyle and smoking. So, that's what we need to address. Of course, a proper diet is still necessary."

I told him I was already working on that, but I wasn't seeing results.

"We'll add medication," he concluded.

A Short Path to Oblivion

“My grandma used to tell my grandpa he had high cholesterol, and he lived to be 100!” My husband chuckled.

But I stubbornly went on the Internet and shared with my husband everything that I found out about hypercholesterolemia. The possible consequences were especially terrifying:

  • Thoracic and abdominal angina — ischemia of the heart and intestines;
  • Acute cerebral circulatory disturbance is also ischemia;
  • Vascular pathology of the legs — ischemia again.

In short, all strategic places in the body are under threat.  My husband pretended not to be scared, but also went to get a lipid profile.  As it turned out, this generally needs to be done for preventive purposes at least once a year.

My husband's results weren't as alarming as mine, but the doctor recommended dietary and lifestyle changes for both of us and we decided to declare war on bad cholesterol.  One fact made me happy: my husband and I finally had a common hobby.

A Game-Changer for Cholesterol

To be honest, a shared health concern brought us together. We embarked on a new lifestyle journey with youthful enthusiasm, and the fridge proudly displayed our "new rules" list:

  • No Trans Fats: Goodbye, mayo and fast food!
  • Exercise First, Then Breakfast:
  • Missed Run? Dishwashing and floor mopping are your new workout.
  • Twice a Week: Seafood and Omega-3 are our new best friends.
  • Fiber Up: The more, the merrier, and the better!
  • Bye bye, Tobacco and Alcohol!

Well, that last one sparked a debate. My husband argued for "see you later" instead of "goodbye," but we agreed to revisit the topic.

Amidst all these changes, I was on a mission to find additional ways to lower my cholesterol. It became an obsession: instead of binge-watching shows, I devoured videos and read reviews on various medications, supplements, and vitamins. That's when I stumbled upon Synthesit.

First, the "young iron" tagline caught my eye. Then, the research results stunned me. Primates participating in the trials showed a 10% to 40% reduction in "bad" cholesterol. Other blood markers also normalized.

I dove into more reviews and was further impressed. Celebrities, athletes, and everyday people praised Synthesit. It seemed like a miracle worker, not just for cholesterol, but for overall health.

"Let's get to know each other better," I said to the sleek capsule packaging.

"Young" Iron: Fighting Cholesterol, Diseases, and Weakness

I sent the link about Synthesit to my husband , and let me tell you, he was hooked! As a result, that day after work we greeted each other with the phrase: “We need it!”

My husband said that he was first of all impressed by the main component — modified iron.  He excitedly talked about how this was a real breakthrough in medicine.

"Imagine this," he explained, eyes gleaming. "All the elements in our solar system have a standard isotope ratio. It's because they were created at the same time. But this iron is billions of years younger than natural iron!"

To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure why this was so important, but I listened intently. He went on about alchemists, humanity's pursuit of creating gold, and ancient texts that claimed "made" gold had special health benefits compared to natural gold.

"For health or for a bank account?" I joked.
"Come on, they were talking about an elixir of health and eternal youth!"

He went on and on, and honestly, I only grasped that Synthesit’s creators had studied ancient texts and applied some cutting-edge technology to "create" this unique iron.

Backed by science and real-world experience, it is clear that Synthesit is the only solution that safely lowers cholesterol and improves blood parameters. Unlike statins, it has no side effects.

In fact, Synthesit enhances your overall well-being:

  • Accelerates recovery from any illness.
  • Increases energy levels and focus.
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain.
  • Normalizes sleep, digestion, and other critical bodily functions.

The result? You feel fantastic and look amazing. For more details, check out this link.

Synthesit Classic


Form: 20 vegan capsules

Active ingredient:
Synthesit Iron, Vitamin B6

Amount per serving: 800 mcg/caps

Price on the official website:



Buy now

A Miracle Transformation

One and a half months later, my life is unrecognizable. My legs have come back to life. The chest pain is gone. My doctor was speechless when he saw my latest blood work.

"Where are your cholesterol plaques?" he exclaimed, incredulous.

Not only that, but my wrinkles have softened, and I've never looked or felt better. Colleagues were asking if I'd had plastic surgery, and strangers were giving me second glances.

My husband has also experienced a similar transformation. He's more energetic, happier, and looks ten years younger.

The most amazing thing? We haven't had to follow a strict diet or exercise regimen. Sure, we indulged in the occasional fast food meal and a glass of wine with a good steak, but the results have been nothing short of miraculous.

Synthesit has restored our health without harsh restrictions. We're so grateful, we've already ordered more for ourselves, and even for our parents, who are dealing with age-related health issues.

How to reduce bad cholesterol without medication: my second youth with Synthesit

Miracle Remedy: 10 Options at Amazing Prices!

Don't miss out! Order multiple packages and save big. And for guaranteed authenticity, purchase only from the official website. Also, remember to regularly check your cholesterol levels — prevention is key!

Here's what makes Synthesit the game-changer:

  • Ease Joint Pain
  • Boost Heart and vessel Health
  • Manage your weight and metabolism with ease
  • Unlock Your Energy
  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • Enhance your performance and reap the rewards.

And much, much more!

Unlocking the Secrets of a Longer, Healthier Life: Synthesit Iron

Scientists, doctors, famous athletes, ordinary women and men of different ages and with different ailments — in total more than 500 people confirmed its “magical” properties and results.  My husband and I were lucky to experience this ourselves.  That’s why I wrote such a big review: I was taught to share good things and recommend only what I have tested myself.

I am 100% convinced that Synthesit lowers cholesterol and improves mood, improves health and quality of life.  Order and see for yourself that eternal youth is possible with it.